Consciousness Light in the Body

In 1985, Dr. Peter Gariaev made a discovery of light in the body that is said to be the science behind reincarnation and consciousness. This Phantom Effect DNA is a ghostly light that sits in tandem with our DNA. This light is our consciousness - our divine connection.

In his research, Dr. Gariaev was able to marry the Phantom DNA of a duck with a chicken embryo. The result was a chicken with duck features - a cross of traits between mother and father. It is not the DNA of the duck that he used. It was the light - the phantom light - of the DNA that created the instruction to the chicken DNA that there was a duck present in the creation of the new life.

In addition, the Phantom DNA had a life span within the laboratory. The DNA remained, but the light disappeared after several days. Also dubbed Spirit DNA, this light sits just beyond our physical DNA, giving us a clear vision of its connectedness, as well as its separateness from the physicality of the body.

Of the many questions I have asked of this life, one piece of the big picture puzzle was answered for me by the description of this phantom light that spirals in conjunction with our DNA. The DNA, as we know, is in spiral form. We experience our lives in a spiral of cycles that come around and around on greater and greater foundations of experience. I know to my very core that I/We am/are spirit, energy of the Divine universe. What I did not understand was how me-as-spirit/consciousness entered into this human body. How does one reconcile having a spiritual entity inside the casing of human form?

As we grow in experiential knowledge of our higher self, we come to experience life not as the body, but as the consciousness that resides within the body. We are not the body. We are not the DNA. We are the light that reflects the DNA. We are the Consciousness, or God Expression, that experiences life through the human body. We give life to the body. The body does not give life to us.

Closing my eyes, it is easy for me to visualize a small bit of the vibration of the God force spiraling into the DNA of a dividing cell. I can easily visualize and feel this Divine force is in every bit of my body as it sits in phantom appearance and movement with my DNA. Artistically, I can see how this phantom light gently spirals away from the body at death with grace and peace toward love.

It is from considering this spirit DNA that I now experience myself as spirit and my connection by this light as an expression of the One. It is my spirit light that gives life to my genetic code stored in my DNA handed down through the generations. I, as light, am in every DNA molecule within this formed body. When I am acting from that phantom DNA, I am acting from my spirit self – or God self. From that spirit DNA, I am – we are – connected to the infinite – the all. It is that spirit DNA that sees, feels and knows we are all one – all connected – all of God – all divine.

This phantom light is our consciousness – our link to one another – our oneness. Its outlook is nothing less than global and universal good – the highest good. When we choose from the consciousness of highest good, we gather around us the consciousness of One. Since there is no lack in God, that consciousness that we are working with is all about abundance and fullness and goodness for all – of which we are a part.

From this higher consciousness, we operate in the mode of assistance for and with divinity. From this higher consciousness, we affect the consciousness of humanity. If we are individually operating our lives in peace, and living from that place of higher consciousness, we are individually emanating peace to the consciousness of humanity. All of this from a tiny, tiny, infinitesimally small and almost imperceptible light that radiates from one DNA molecule in the human form… and there are trillions upon trillions of molecules in the body.

Consider what happens when the DNA is pulsating at the rate of full connection to its phantom light of higher consciousness in just one body. That, my friends, is the light people speak about when they speak of auras. It is the presence one feels when certain people walk into a room.

Consider that one body radiating and connecting to other lights also radiating at higher connected frequencies. This combined energy connected to higher planes of consciousness elevates all of us. This is the vibration that is creating peace on this planet as more and more of us turn to higher conscious living. It is the collective whole that raises the vibration of this planet to higher missions, thereby collectively bringing corrections of imbalance and peace to the planet.

DNA is in all living things. This means that all living things have a link to the consciousness of all living things. Our connection to our environment is much deeper than our thinking mind comprehends. It is not just in our choices of whether to recycle or not. It is through the quality of our internal makeup that we affect our environment by the level of consciousness we have pulsating throughout our bodies, our families, our communities, our countries - our planet.